
Diamond Valley Custom Homes
Award-Winning Luxury Custom Home Builder specializing in Acreage Homes in the Foothills of Alberta.
Steve Jobs said that. He said it about his products, but we think it sums up the stairway at our Mountain Modern build, too. This is a deceivingly simple design that packs a huge punch. ![]()
#dvchomes #trulycustom #homesnothouses #acreagebuilder #okotoksbuilder #foothillsbuilder #customhomes #luxuryhomes #stevejobs #minimalistdesign #mountainmodern #interiordesign
This entryway is always ready for its close-up. Lived in (like you see it now), or all decked out for the holidays, this foyer knows exactly how to make an entrance.![]()
#interiordesign #Craftsmanship #okotokshomes #customhomes #YYCBuilder #okotoks #grandentrance #yyc #priddis #diamondvalley #foothillscounty #timberframe #entrywaydesign #homedecor #interiorinspo #myhome #homedesign
Long shadows and warm summer nights are what we're craving. These dark days of winter have us thinking about summertime fun and how nice it would be to have a private court to work on layups or play some one-on-one. Want in? We can build you o#dvchomesh#homesnothouseso#acreagehomesh#okotoksbuilderi#customhomesh#foothillsalbertab#letsbuilditi#builtrightr#basketballt#privatecourtc#ThisIsLivingi#okotokslivingiving
We're taking a look back at the Mountain Modern build and remembering how this modern, minimalist home fits perfectly into its foothills surrounding. The windows in this home somehow make the views look even better, and that's not an easy thing to do. It's a beautiful place inside and out. ![]()
If you're dreaming of an acreage home in the southern Alberta foothills and demand something out of the ordinary, Diamond Valley Custom Homes is the #acreagehomey#okotoksbuilderh#foothillsbuildere#customhomesb#YYCBuildert#HomeBuilderb#letsbuilditb#luxuryhomesb#calgaryl#winterm#canadag#albertawintera#itsallinthedetails #mountainmodernails #MountainModern
Summer is coming (really) and we know we have big plans to soak up as much sunshine and heat as we can. This custom tennis court is just the thing to burn off some energy on those perfect summer nights. Although we could just as easily make this a skating rink if you're more into winter#okotoksbuilderi#constructionc#customhomesho#letsbuilditi#okotokso#dewintoni#outdoorcourtc#tennisanyonen#privatecourtc#dvchomesh#pickleballe#tennise#basketballt#winningnning

Mountain Modern by Diamond Valley Custom Homes

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De Winton private residence by Diamond Valley Custom Homes

Clear Mountain Estate by Diamond Valley Custom Homes